Cameron Family Photos

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

My first attempts

These pictures require some MAJOR disclaimers...I know the lighting is horrible (it was a little TOO cloudy) and I should have probably gotten closer to the window light...but I mostly just want input on positioning right now. Erin, is this what you had in mind when you said take a picture of her in her diaper on the couch? Also, the two ones in pink in the basket were just trial runs. Do these look horrible being on a green blanket? (I figured they would be okay in black and white) Are there too many wrinkles? I just need to go out and get some fabrics for backgrounds and things.
(These pics are not full quality, just so you know. I dumbed them down for quicker uploading.)

Monday, May 21, 2007

Camera Settings

If you are going to be taking a nice picture, you want to double check your camera settings to make sure it is on the highest quality possible. You will not be able to take as many pictures on your card, but it is well worth it to have a crisper image.

Mark, I think your camera might be able to shoot in "Raw". That is a really cool feature if you can do it.

Also, can everyone list what kind of camera they have again so I can do some research on features. It would be nice to know what your camera can and cannot do. I know I did some research a while back, but I don't know if I can find where I saved that at.

Friday, May 18, 2007


I know there are a lot of pictures here, but my parnter Rebecca took these. She laid a little fuzzy peice of material on the client's bed. Then walked all around the baby, including standing up on the bed. The baby was not moved as far as I know. The lighting was just from the window. The only thing is that I would have moved the chair in the background on the more full bedroom shot. So make sure you remove anything distracting before you take the picture.

Before and After

Here are some pictures that my sister-in-law did. She just got a new camera, and these are the first newborn pictures she has ever taken. I think she did a terrific job!!! The background in the baby hanging from the arm needs to be up away from the background more. Can you see the wrinkles in the backdrop? Can be fixed of course, but it makes the baby darker than one would like if done that way.

I wasn't crazy about the red blanket. Makes the baby look red. I made the same mistake with a lot of pictures I took of Cameron. However, I think this picture looks really good in B&W, and I love the texture that the blanket adds to the photo.

The one with the green background and the baby on the white what-ever-that-is...I love the color of the wall. A fun picture. I just wish she would have included a little bit more of the legs. So...colorful walls can make a picture fun. I don't know what color of walls everyone has out there, but your red wall heather might look cool...espeically with a nature/antique type picture. Like one with your daughter in a basket, and old chair, etc. Just make sure you get a bit farther away from the wall if you don't really want it to look like a wall.

Then the piano...those are really popular right now. See small the baby is in the picture. That is something a lot of people are doing right now. Another idea is to try just an arm chair and include the entire chair in the picture. Try adding a little blanket hanging over the side of the chair to give it a different look. Debbie, if you love to read, stack baby on a few books next to a basket or a safe way of course. Then take her off and at the same angle, stack more books in the same place without baby (make sure the ones she was on is on top, and I can make it look like she is on all the books using photoshop. I don't know if you have any cool looking books or not...there are some pretty creative pictures out there. Heather, you might try wrapping Sadie up and putting a pillow on an old spare tire in the garage or the back of Eric's What does he have now? I just saw pictures, but I forget. Anyways and then draping a little blanket over the inside of the tire to hide the pillow that is there. Wrap her up in some kind of an old looking blanket. I mean...there are some fun things out there to do. I almost wish I had a new baby just so I could take pictures of it. ;)

Photo Links

Here are a few sites that I have looked at. Also, look on my partner's blog. She has some baby pictures, and she also has a bunch of good links to look at for more ideas. Hats are a lot of fun. Also blankets with some texture. Try to avoid patterns. I made that mistake with Cameron. Put baby in a diaper then fold her up in a blanket with her arms out. Take some pictures. Try every angle you can think of. You have a digital camera, and you can always delete it! I take like a hundred, pick my favorite and then delete the rest.

Also, Debbie, I saw your couches in a picture. Try just putting her in her diaper or naked on your couch. Lay her on her stomach with her legs curled into her body. I don't like picture as much of babies with their legs sticking out. Doesn't look as natural for a baby that way. :) You could also do the same thing (on the couch) with her wrapped up in a blanket.

Better Photo

Two Peas Go to Photography...then to Photo Gallery

Amy Coffey

Better Photo Gallery

Brianna Graham website and blog and also

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

How about these?

Do you want Colby's inches spelled out or abbreviated. If abbreviated, how would you like it abbreviated?

Does the lettering for Sadie's look better? Do you want the info. centered or left aligned? Right now it is left aligned.