Sunday, February 08, 2009


First, I apologize for putting up so many pictures. It is not because I think they are great pictures. Quite the contrary. I am not happy with any of them. So I am looking for feedback and pointers. It has been awhile, so I'm not sure which ones are flash and which ones aren't, but I can guess. And yes, I know I am still on the first week's challenge. But it just took me forever to load these. My first problem is a VERY wiggley subject. Second is a cheap (and I do mean CHEAP and old camera). But even with those things against me, there must be some things I can do/learn to improve my photos. I'm guessing this is with a flash. But is was next to a really bright window. Not direct light (northside) but it was a bright Tucson morning).
Maybe without flash??

I don't think I turned the flash BACK on, could this just be too much sunlight?

This looks better. I think I closed the window? Or maybe just turned off the flash finally? I honestly don't remember. This turned out the best, I think. Sorry about the provocative pose ;)

This is today. In a different location. No flash, just window. It is a cloudy day.

I like this one okay. I wish the background was "fuzzier" -- I know you told us how to do this, but there wasn't any room to back up and zoom in.

Maybe this can count for different angles??? LOL. Not exactly what you had in mind ;)

This one was mostly just for me, so I could see her curls. I know they won't last forever and I want to have as many pictures of them as possible.
I am open (honestly) to any and all tips. Thanks.


Blogger Debbie Lawrence said...

I think you did great on these pictures, Heather. That is PERFECT window lighting if you ask me. It has been too cloudy lately for me to get good window light. And what a cute subject. Sadie is getting so big!

3:49 PM  

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