Remember that this is not a contest or anything like that. We are all trying to become better photographers. Don't be afraid to post pictures!
1. Only Window Light. What I like about natural lighting is the shadows it creates. They are usually soft. We do want shadows in our pictures just not harsh ones that an on camera flash creates. This isn't a great picture to see the eyes, but usually a window creates a beautiful reflection in the eye. Cammie's eyes are what I call "dead" in this picture. That is one thing I don't like about this particular photo.
3. Flash Only. To me, this is not a very good picture. These types of pictures are great for the scrapbook, but not for the wall. ;) One of the first things I notice about this picture is the harsh shadow the flash created in the background. Another thing I notice is that there aren't very many shadows in her face. She just looks mostly white to me. Also, the dots in her eyes (created by the flash) are noticeable to me. I prefer the look the window creates in the eyes.
2. Window Light and Flash. I need to take that one tomorrow. I forgot to do this one for Cammie. :) I did take some of Kate though. This type of picture is better than just a flash, but I think that the on camera flash still ruined the picture. It got rid of the soft shadows in the face. I couldn't see the harsh outline in the background as much, but I could still a shadow. The eyes looked pretty much the same. The only addition was the dot created from the flash. It was barely noticeable next to the reflection from the window though. I still prefer just window lighting, but it was still better than just the on camera flash!
2. Window Light and Flash. I need to take that one tomorrow. I forgot to do this one for Cammie. :) I did take some of Kate though. This type of picture is better than just a flash, but I think that the on camera flash still ruined the picture. It got rid of the soft shadows in the face. I couldn't see the harsh outline in the background as much, but I could still a shadow. The eyes looked pretty much the same. The only addition was the dot created from the flash. It was barely noticeable next to the reflection from the window though. I still prefer just window lighting, but it was still better than just the on camera flash!
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